Lately, my go to meal has been a slice of vegan pizza from Whole Foods on Magazine St {in Arabella Station}. I make an outing of it + walk the 4 miles {round trip} from my house {have a little me time}. I grab some GT's Kombucha {Lavender} + a slice of vegan pizza, post up at the bar {across from checkout} + nerd out on my phone while I chow down {I've come to love this routine}. Now I'm not a vegan, BUT I am lactose intolerant + love my veggies. So the vegan pizza is perfect because it has a cheese substitute {yes it sounds gross/weird but is quite creamy + good}. I posted on twitter last night that I was there enjoying my usual meal + got a good response from people {so heck why not do a post}. Happy Thursday!
girl-you know thats my jam :)