Thank you Georgia for the awesome Mardi Gras beads via the Krewe of Nyx! Beads + Oysters, can't get more excited about Mardi Gras than that! HAPPY MARDI GRAS + TGIF!

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app.


One of my favorite Mardi Gras moments is seeing the St. Aug marching band. They march in several of the parades throughout Mardi Gras + I caught them last night during Krewe of Nyx {yay Georgia}. BUT my favorite time to see them is when they lead the Krewe of Endymion parade into the Superdome on Saturday night to kick off the Ball. It really is so exhilarating to see them come through those doors + play with such pride + poise {fireworks included}. So looking forward to it. Mardi Gras would not be the same without them!

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app.


We are in it, in it deep. Starting tonight there are parades rolling for about a week straight, ending with Fat Tuesday {Mardi Gras}. Living here during this celebratory time, everything goes out the window {there is no rhyme or reason, it's just Mardi Gras}. The saying is DO WHATCHA WANNA {+ we definitely do, don't worry}. There really is nothing like it. Don't expect to drive, use your bike, or walk {it's actually pretty refreshing to leave your car parked for a week}. So hands up to catch some beads + throws {or to protect that pretty face from a black eye}. Either way it's a wonderfully freeing time of year! HAPPY MARDI GRAS + HUMP DAY!


I was walking through the CBD for lunch yesterday + passed these buildings on Magazine St. I've passed them a few times + have always admired the colors. They work so well together + are a happy pop in the midst of the gray + tan business buildings. That is one thing about New Orleans, there is a pop around every corner, you just have to wander + find it. Happy Tuesday, one week away till Mardi Gras! Parades for the week start tomorrow, you can check out the parade schedule here.

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app.


Just a sneak peek on things to come later this week! Stay tuned + get so excited for Mardi Gras!

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app.


I am so very pleased to announce that I have two pieces hanging in Root in the Warehouse District. I got to experience the food + space before creating some pieces for them. Through some collaboration + direction I have added to my Black Spot series + painted these two pieces for Root. I think they add to the modern clean space + set a balance. I am also in the process of creating an installation for them, it will be revealed after Mardi Gras, so keep posted! TGIF

Photo via @cheflopez instagram


These three I painted in a series. They are painted on tempered glass 12" x 48". Although, they are not in the Black Spot series, they do have the contrasting elements of black, white, + gold. I try to focus on the light vs. dark with meandering lines that lead the eye towards the bottom. Life is a path of wandering whether it is organized or chaotic {I think the word we use is adventure}. I thoroughly enjoyed creating these + the series {+ individuals} are some of my favorite pieces of work. The exciting news is they are available for purchase, if you are interested please contact me at lledfo2@gmail.com. Thanks! Ta Ta


The traffic + street repairs in New Orleans right now Uptown + Downtown are crazy. I'm all for them getting done {because our streets are horrific}. BUT they decided to do them all at once to try + have it finished for Mardi Gras. So of course it is a mad house. Even taking the bus or streetcar has become a hassle. So bike it is! Takes me 15-20 minutes to get to work. Whereas driving or catching the bus was taking 25-30 minutes. So if you are in the same predicament as myself, try biking. It gives you those extra few endorphins in the morning to knock out some work at the office + wake up. Hump Day!


The Black Spot series continues. It's all about the light + dark of life {never ending path of intrigue}. This is another part of the series that I painted for my parent's house. This is only a snippet of the entire painting. It is one of my favorites + is actually making it's debut on my portfolio site here. I have been busy keeping up with painting + continuing my collection. I also am very proud to announce that two of my pieces have been bought by Root + will be displayed in their main dinning room. I will follow up with a post on that soon. Happy Tuesday!


Yesterday was such a beautiful day {finally}! We decided to go get some oyster sacks + sit on Bayou St. John. They were nice + fresh. The weather was perfect + once the sun went down we relocated to a house with a grill + chargrilled the second sack. Those were even better {thanks George}. All in all, great day! Keep your fingers crossed that this weather will stay for Mardi Gras. Happy Monday!

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app.


I'm sharing with y'all one of my favorite iPhone apps to date! Cartolina Cards has 3 apps, they all are beautiful cards that you can send via text, email, + twitter with a personal message. I have her Par Avion app, it includes 60 different style cards {some are even holiday themed}. I use them for birthdays + holidays {like today, Happy Valentine's Day!} or sometimes to send a sweet note. They are personal + people love them when they pop up on their screen {makes them feel special}. So that's my secret for all of you out there that get these from me. Enjoy + go send a little note!


It's around the corner {as in tomorrow, hint hint}. VALENTINE'S DAY. Some people love it, some people are a little indifferent. I just like to dote on the ones that are close to me + make them smile. Anywho, if you are looking for something fun or quirky to send out + are from New Orleans, check out these Nola Valentines {even if you are not from Nola take em}. This cute little site was developed by two of my colleagues + I'm in awe of their ingenious idea! So simple + sweet. They even featured one of mine here. If you have a Nola Valentine pun or a sweet saying, tweet them @nolavalentines + they will select the best ones to post. Enjoy!


These are the two little deer antlers that hang above my bed. They are like brothers {one is the tall lanky one + the other is the shorter rounder one}. Regardless they are precious. They were given to me by my uncle, who acquired them from his property, Asphodel Plantation. I love antlers + taxidermy + animal skulls, something about them seems historical + reminiscent. They mix in well with an eclectic  house where you mix + match styles {like my own house}. I'm hoping to update my portfolio house photos soon, as my house is ever evolving {it's a fun but slow process}.

Back to Beauty + the Beast this past weekend. There is a line in a song that Gaston sings "I use antlers in all my decorating…." My friend leaned over + poked me "that's you, that's you," she said. We both giggled under our breath.

HUMP DAY, yay.


Saturday, my best friend + I got all dressed up + went to the Saenger Theater to see Disney's Beauty & the Beast {it was amazing}. Beauty & the Beast came out when I was 4 years old + I remember going to see it in the movie theater  {I was wide eyed + in awe}. I fell in love with Belle + definitely wanted to live in a castle. The sets were great + I enjoyed the extra songs they added in. All in all it was magical, I felt like a 12 year old little girl in awe of the mysticism. There is nothing like the theater.

Thanks to my friend Jessica for the picture! Happy Monday!

All photographs are taken with an iphone 4 + VSCOcam app.


I was running a little slow + a little late this morning. So of course I walk the 2 blocks down to Starbucks + grab a grande Americano {it's my fav}. I sip on it as I wait for the bus. It slowly but surely wakes me up + revives me. Thank you Starbucks, I bow in appreciation.

A friend of mine sent me a very sweet email admiring the Sketchbook section of my blog, + relayed to me how much she enjoyed those. So this is for you Claire {+ Starbucks of course}.

Off to work, TGIF people, TGIF.


I bought a blender + it has become one of my best kitchen friends {BKF} . Whether you blend or juice, it is one of the best things {I think, at least}. I feel better, fuller, + my stomach doesn't hurt {which is a huge success for me}. You can get double the amount of fruits + veggies into your daily diet than you would typically eat with a salad or entree. My go to ingredients for most of my smoothies are kale, blueberries, bananas, spinach, lemon, pineapple, and flaxseed. Other times, if I have other ingredients I will throw them in there to add to it. Coconut water + almond milk are always good to use as well. Here are my favorite recipes. Enjoy!

Dr. Oz Detox Drink // Dr. Oz Green Drink // Lean Green Smoothie by Camille Styles // Pineapple + Avocado Smoothie by Cookie + Kate


I have continued with my black spot series. I wanted to do an evolution of it while also simplifying it. I created a series of four 8" x 8" canvases, using pop colors as an accent + a focus on shape. I going to keep rolling with this. I have a few plans in the works {that Im very excited about} to have my work available through a few venues in New Orleans. Keep checking in within the next month to find out more details! Again, you can check out my latest work here.

Recent inspirational work from Alice Achen // Kerri Rosenthal // Jenny Prinn


One thing that I have a {pretty long running} obsession with is lipstick. I love that you can mix it up, or keep it simple {or go wild}. It literally can change your whole look + face {pop}.  Here are my current fans + go to's {don't' worry they won't break the bank}.



Here is another painting, it is the progression of the black spot. Last week I went a little MIA, so busy + crazy freezing weather that shut down half of the city. Anyway, got lots done + moving on this week to bigger, better, + calmer things. Happy Monday!

I have updated my portfolio with my latest work, loganledford.com.

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app.