So, I've decided to take a little break, regroup + revamp my focus. I definitely want to evolve + grow what Design Twig is all about. Spend more time on focusing on your favorites + my favorites {Art + Vintage}. I won't be gone long + when I'm back a reformation for the better will be in place {I'm very excited about it}! Thanks for all the comments + support {it all is encouraging + helps give me inspiration}. Ta Ta, have a wonderful end of your summer!

xx, DT

Can't leave without a little inspiration as of lately Emilio Nanni // Richard Serra // Satsuki Shibuya


It's Monday {I'm pretty sure we all feel like this}. Yay for Monday {but not really}.


It has been raining everyday this week. It's has been a typical New Orleans summer for  sure, BUT on the flip side yesterday walking around the quarter in a slight drizzle was calming + quite. The French Quarter will never stop inspiring me + making me stop + stare in awe. It's one of those mystical magical places that ceases to be stale in my eyes. Happy Friday {phew we made it}. Have a wonderful weekend!

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app. All work is Copyright ©2014 Logan Ledford.


I have not posted a sketch lately + thought today was a good day to do so. Lately, I've been eating a lot of pineapple, it is so dang good {+ good for you}. It's got a lot of cleansing + detox qualities about it + has the good natural sugar. It also is a symbol of the home + reminds me of a summer cocktail. Other foods that pair well with pineapple are ginger, cucumber, kale, coconut, mango + yogurt. Yay for pineapple {I also love how quirky it looks}. Happy Thursday, almost time for a drink!



I've been sewing a little bit lately {full story coming soon}. This is a vintage red linen, vintage italian suede + natural canvas. I love the simple but very texture filled combo. The linen + leather are recycled {or now they use the term upcycled materials}. Happy Tuesday!

Things that have inspired me lately Nautical Flags // School + Souvenir Pennants // Rope

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app. All work is Copyright ©2014 Logan Ledford.


Just love this city that I live in {can't get enough of it}. I'm so very thankful that new things intrigue me here everyday {definitely gives my attention span a run for it's money, I have a short one}. The Cathedral is always beautiful + inspiring. New Orleans, the never ending city. Happy Monday!

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app. All work is Copyright ©2014 Logan Ledford.


It's a green tea kind of day. Waiting for the bus, on a blue painted bench. This is the China Green Tips Tea {I love it} from Starbucks. Sometimes I switch over to green tea + take a breather from coffee {sorry coffee}. Happy Thursday!

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app. All work is Copyright ©2014 Logan Ledford.


One of my favorite things to do when I go home to Baton Rouge, is having garden dinner parties. My parents have always invited friends + family to our dinners on the weekends. If the weather is nice + not too hot we pull out the tables + table cloths, hang up some shade tarps with a few flags + have a nice long lazy dinner {full of the oddest conversation topics, but hey, those keep it interesting}. Having a good meal with friends + family + talking + laughing with some good food + drinks is top of my list every weekend. Whether I'm in New Orleans or Baton Rouge + whether it's with 2 friends or a group of 10 people, I love it + it will never get old. It is important + something that my soul needs, family/friends/time/food. What day is it.....Hump Day {half-way there people}!

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app. All work is Copyright ©2014 Logan Ledford.


It's summer {wait let me check, yep it's definitely summer} warm with pearls of sweat. There is nothing like a New Orleans summer {anything can happen + you go with it}. Music, late nights, slightly warm red wine, dancing, bike rides, afternoon rains, long days of sunlight {I very much enjoy it}. Cheers to Tuesday!

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app. All work is Copyright ©2014 Logan Ledford.


A little embellishment goes a long way. I can't help myself when it comes to sparkly/shiny/bling things {they are just so pretty}. I will always use it for something. This is a vintage silk skirt I found that I'm repurposing {I think the new word for it is upcycling} for a new + exciting project {that I hope to share soon}! Happy Monday.

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app. All work is Copyright ©2014 Logan Ledford.


I always love when we go to lunch here. It's a little dark, a little mod, + the perfect size. If you want a salad BINGO they have it + if you want an amazing burger with duck fat fries BINGO they got it. It's a small restaurant + bar located on Capdeville St. behind the court houses + it's called {yes, you guessed it} Capdeville. They describe themselves as "an American interpretation of a British social house" which I would have to agree. Anyway, great CBD lunch spot, everyone from my office enjoys it, so go check it out. Yay, it's Thursday + almost Friday {everybody say Yeaaaa}.

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app. All work is Copyright ©2014 Logan Ledford.


I've been painting with black ink on paper. This one is about 2' x 3' + is going up in my room {soon}. I like the inconsistency of the circles + drips, it creates a sense of wandering + intrigue. I will be posting some other ink paintings to my portfolio soon. Happy Tuesday!

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app. All work is Copyright ©2014 Logan Ledford.


The 4th of July celebration + weekend was great {lots of food + food}. I always love when grocery stores create flower bouquets that go with the holiday at hand. Rouses had some pretty red, white + blue bunches. So I grabbed them + made a little flower wreath for my hair to get into the holiday spirit. Very easy to make, takes about 15 mins. All you need is some wire + scissors {+ flowers of course}. Cut flowers with a 2-3 in stem piece, wire 2 flowers together, take two more + slide them further down on the stems from the first 2, then wire those together. Keep going + eventually you will create a long wired rope of flowers, attach the ends + voila a masterpiece of flowers to adorn your head. Happy Monday!

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app. All work is Copyright ©2014 Logan Ledford.


Enough said. Have a wonderful weekend + holiday! See you next week!


One of my favorite things about the summer are the plethora of local ripe berries. In my fridge right now I have Blackberries + Blueberries {yay}! I love love {love} berries. As a child blueberry picking was something we did every summer + I thoroughly enjoyed it {I probably ate them instead of filling my bucket}. These beautiful dark plump berries are from the Hollygrove Farmer's Market. They were included in the box of produce I bought for $25 along with  Red Potatoes, Basil, Lady Cream Peas, Sweet Banana Peppers, Heirloom Tomatoes, Creole Tomatoes, Golden Zucchini, Butternut Squash, + Cucumbers. I adore this farmer's market, the produce box every week + weekend consists of local seasonal produce. They always list the location + farm where the produce is from + have lots of other items such as coffee, cheese, tofu, + meat to name a few. BUT if you haven't been GO {it's wonderful}. They also are open till 7pm on weekdays {which is amazing since I work downtown till 5:30pm}. So if you haven't figured it out, I highly recommend it. Happy Hump Day! 

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app. All work is Copyright ©2014 Logan Ledford.


Wearing a little red, white + blue today for team USA {USA USA USA}! Say another Hail Mary  + send all your good juju + positive vibes towards our men's national soccer team today as they take on Belguim at 3pm.

White Jeans J. Crew // Oxford Shirt Urban Outfitters {similar}// Scarf Venice, Italy street market

Bon Mardi!

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app. All work is Copyright ©2014 Logan Ledford.


Just a little Free Friday at Tipitina's this weekend {always a good time}. Happy Monday!

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app. All work is Copyright ©2014 Logan Ledford.


Some art in progress. I'm doing some acrylic mono prints on acrylic sheets. I'll keep updating my progress! Happy Thursday! USA USA USA! Hail Mary full of grace…..{you get the picture}. Goes without saying that I am a HUGE soccer fan!

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app. All work is Copyright ©2014 Logan Ledford.


It has been a busy bee week, BUT it is all coming together. This past weekend I went on a thrift store excursion + found some great things. My favorite thrift stores in New Orleans are The Salvation Army // Pelican Thrift // Red White & Blue Thrift. This lot I snatched up on Saturday cost me a grand total of $15 {I love it}. I collect wooden tennis rackets, so this Wilson Chris Everett Championship racket will join my little group. Every house here needs a little touch of religion, so hence the brass crucifix {+ I just realized I don't have a cross in my house, yikes}. The little brass trumpet was so cute, BUT wait stand it up + it's a candle holder {didn't get that till I got home}. Lastly, I can never have enough trays, this one is wooden with a silver rim + hand painted crest + initials {not my initials but close enough, we'll go with it}. All in all a successful thrift day! The rug is a South African Springbok from Worldwide Wildlife Products. Happy Hump Day!

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app. All work is Copyright ©2014 Logan Ledford.


At the beach? Or in New Orleans? I'll let you decide {regardless it is definitely summer + very warm}. What I do know is that it is FRIDAY {TGIF + thank the Lord}! It also looks beautiful outside. Have a wonderful weekend!

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app. All work is Copyright ©2014 Logan Ledford.


The different colored houses + buildings in New Orleans are never ending. I am always intrigued by the color of a wall in combination with a landscape element. I love this modern planter + simple boxwood plant against the pale pink wall. Here is a similar planter from All Modern. They also have a great variety of planters + outdoor furniture to create a clean + modern outdoor space.

Yesterday I was delighted to join a #summerpartychat on Twitter with Domino Magazine + Huffington Post Home + Ballard Designs. We got to discuss ideas with other bloggers + modern decor companies alike. Check out the discussion thread for some fun summer entertaining recipes + decor concepts!

Happy Thursday!

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app. All work is Copyright ©2014 Logan Ledford.


Just playing with some more acrylic mono prints. My next venture will be to do larger ones + maybe on some acrylic panels or glass. There are some new ones posted on my site here. These are people in four colors. This is my friend Leslie. Happy Hump Day!

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app. All work is Copyright ©2014 Logan Ledford.


This weekend was another whirlwind of sorts with a wedding + Father's Day. Congrats to my two friends Alison + Charlie on getting married, what a great celebration! Also, I spent some time at home with my family in Baton Rouge. My grandfather expressed wanting a painting for his apartment, so I painted this for him + gifted it to him yesterday for Father's Day. We had a wonderful dinner + I always enjoy spending time with my family. Happy Monday!

I have updated my portfolio site with new work, check it out here.

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app. All work is Copyright ©2014 Logan Ledford.


Love walking along the river in New Orleans. It's warm + smells like rain. You can't quite get to the edge due to the rocks holding the bank in tact. BUT you can stand on the wooden beams that line the walkway. You look out + then down at what lays around your feet, I don't mind the bits of trash {the blue bag is vibrant + pops out}. Next, I look at my sandals, I love these sandals {can't take a picture like this + not talk about your shoes}. Gap the past 2 years has come out with a great line of sandals {simple, clean, sophisticated}. These are from last years collection, I wear them with everything. This summer they have quite a few pairs I just might need for my closet, my favs 1 // 2 // 3 . TGIF + rain rain go away!

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app. All work is Copyright ©2014 Logan Ledford.


This post goes out to two of my besties {Joan + Jess}, who both are beautiful, love flowers {especially Hydrangeas}, + whom I love having dinner with. Cooking + catching up with friends is a must in my life {I would not be where I am today without the food or the friends}. So cheers to friends + food + almost being Friday, yay!

P.S. Jess thanks for the flowers!

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app. All work is Copyright ©2014 Logan Ledford.


Another acrylic paint mono print on black paper. Just painting along, happy hump day!

Art inspiration this week Kayla Plosz //  Raoul De Keyser // Helen Corning

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app. All work is Copyright ©2014 Logan Ledford.


I really do love Succulent plants. Their colors, textures, + steadfastness {they are the sleeping giants of plants, maybe minus the giant part}. This Succulent I've had in my living room window for almost two + a half years. It has moved houses with me + has also moved around my current house from room to room. I did not realize till about 2 months ago that these plants indeed bloom! After two + half years, voila, here it is. Very delicate + beautiful. It has gotten very tall + outgrown it's little bonsai pot I have it in {time for a bigger home}. In the midst of it slowly growing taller, it has started to lean over the painting I have in the window. Seemed as though it took on the colors of the painting {I'm sure this is it's natural coloring, but I like to think that my painting influenced it}. So, if you have plant patience {which is hard sometimes to have} try out Succulents, move them around the house till they seem to find their happy spot. In New Orleans you can find these at Urban Roots // Harold's Plants // Lowes, bon Mardi.

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app. All work is Copyright ©2014 Logan Ledford.


This weekend was calm + quiet {BUT so nice + needed}. I caught up on some painting + painted some more oyster eyes. Happy Monday!

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app. All work is Copyright ©2014 Logan Ledford.


I've been back into card making lately. Just sharing some new ones that I have painted. More are on their way. Happy Thursday!

Artists that inspired me this week Therese Murdza // Alain Clement // Hyunmee Lee

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app. All work is Copyright ©2014 Logan Ledford.


New Orleans summer {phew} it's a warm one, BUT I do love it. One summer accessory everyone here is in need of is a good hat. I've been looking around + I'm ready to change it up from my straw Fedora. I've landed on a wide brim straw hat from Nola Couture. It's simple + pretty + gets the job done {along with a silk sash}. So check them out {+ protect your head from our southern sun}. Happy Hump Day!

Don't forget that Anders Osborne is playing tonight at Wednesday at the Square at 5pm! 


The weekend + wedding was a total success {+ a blast, of course}. The rain made no dent in our festivities {if anything it made it a little more exciting}. My friends were beautiful + I'm extremely proud + happy for them! Yay for weddings! Happy Monday!

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app.


One of my best friends is getting married tomorrow, festivities commence tonight {in true New Orleans style}! So very excited for Sarah & Andy {couldn't ask for better friends, love y'all}. Everyone have a wonderful weekend!


Such a nice Memorial Day weekend. The weather was perfect. I spent a day at The Fly with some friends, threw a football around, drank some beer, took a nap {such a relaxing day}. The Fly is a park area on the river by the Audubon Zoo. Back to real life {blah}. Happy Tuesday!

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app.


Another abstract acrylic mono print. Love these colors, reminds me of friend Julie {classic + intriguing}. Happy Friday to all + have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! 

Artist inspiration as of late Clyfford Still // Laurent Koller // Beatriz Elorza 


I'm so excited to share with you Fifth & Mae. They are a fun jewelry + accessories shop. They have everything from dainty earrings to statement necklaces + the best thing is it is extremely affordable {I'm in love}. I like the way their pieces mix modern + vintage style. These 3 pieces mix + match well with my style + taste {they have become staples in my weekly outfits}. Thanks Fifth & Mae {love it}!


All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app.


My spring green onions bloomed + they are a beautiful shade of light purple. They add a pretty little pop of color to our deck. I grow everything in pots {we have a back deck only}, so I have a little bit of everything. Good New Orleans summer plants to grow are Basil, Tomatoes, Banana plants, Cucumbers, + Bell Peppers. Happy Hump Day!

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app.


I love throwing dinner parties {it gives me an excuse to dress up + dote on my friends}. Last week I threw a fun dinner party for one of my best friends getting married. It was complete with a draped tent, floor pillows + greek food. It was a blast + we will had some great laughs {+ wine}. I try to collect vintage napkins + bowls + plates + wine glasses to mix + match. That way you are able to change up the theme to match your mood for the night {Moroccan anyone?}. Nothing is ever too much, just take all the things you have + throw them on the table {et voila, you might surprise yourself}.

Dinner ware + linens are from the following World Market // Anthropologie // Target // Ikea // Goodwill // my Mother's linen collection {that I commandeered}. Enjoy!

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app.


I got through my busy week + had a nice relaxing weekend. I rested, cooked, painted, went to yoga, drank wine, + spent some good time with friends. I did all the things I've been craving to do for the past month + did not have time for {or did not make time for}. If you find yourself in a whirlwind of sorts, take time to yourself {or make time} to do the things you love. 

I did quite a lot of painting this weekend. I did some large paintings, painted some notecards, + {my new favorites} did mono prints with acrylic paint on paper. I love pairing colors together to explore the intensity + emotion they give off. These are small on 4" x 6" paper. Each color set has 3 prints, they all look slightly different. I will be posting these on soon, so keep posted. Happy Monday!


I've been busy getting some exciting things done + just taking some time to myself to relax. See everyone next week, have a wonderful weekend!


I'm leaving on a little vacation to get some sand + sun + to celebrate a dear friend of mine who is getting married {congrats Sarah}! I'm intently praying today that the weather holds off a little bit for us, BUT we will see. See y'all next week, happy weekend!

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app.


It's May? Son of a nutcracker {where did the time go}! We are almost half way through the year {crazy}. Happy Hump Day!


Jazz Fest came to a close this weekend {sad}. The music was so much fun {as always, can't go wrong}. Walking out of the festival this is the view across Bayou St. John {perfect timing} it was warm + serene. Back to the real world now, I guess. Happy Monday!

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app.


Completed this painting the other night. My dear friend Taylor saw it awhile back in progress + fell in love with it, so I finished it for her. I really like the colors + that it's a little different from my usual Black Spot series. I'm not a big yellow person BUT it definitely works here. Happy Friday + Jazz Fest. More art to come soon! TGIF + have a wonderful weekend. 

You can view more of my work here + my inspiration here.


I started painting again last night {I need it to get back to myself} + {I'll share new work soon}. It is one of things that when life gets crazy I have to run back to + it helps me let go + just be. I always love the way my pallet looks after I have finished a painting {big or small}. Sometimes they are a messy mixture of 10 colors + other times I tend to keep it clean with a few dollops here + there. All in all they are a pretty reminder of what I love to do. Happy Thursday + Jazz Fest round 2 day!

Artists that inspired me this week Sue Ninham // Wendy McWilliams // Gary Komarin // for more art inspiration follow my art board here.

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app.


All the Jasmine is in bloom + is absolutely beautiful {I'm in awe}. I took this picture on my walk home yesterday on Prytania St. The way the blooms wrap the column so delicately reminds me of lace. The Garden District in New Orleans is covered head to toe in Jasmine, an overflow of white {like a debutante ball}. The weather too today is so nice, if you have anytime at all go walk around the Garden District. Happy Hump Day!

For more beautiful gardens follow my garden pin board here.

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app.


This weekend was wonderful at Jazz Fest {I survived all 3 days somehow}. My 2 favorites were Avett Brothers + Rodriguez. Other Jazz Fest favorites of mine are the flags, Crawfish Bread, people watching, laying in the grass, + being with my friends {all in all it was perfect}. Looking forward to next weekend {round 2}! Happy Monday!

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app.


Everyone needs a fruit tree in their yard. Citrus trees do really well in the South + seem to be the most popular, BUT we actually have a Loquat tree also known as Japanese Plums {confession, it's not technically in our yard but it hangs over the fence}. They are sweet + a little tart {yes there is a pit, but it's worth it}. They are a beautiful color + the way they contrast against their dark leaves is eye catching. These are found throughout New Orleans, if you see it pick on + try it. Happy Thursday + Jazz Fest starts tomorrow {hip hip hooray}.

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app.


Most people know I'm a huge fan of the color black. It is not uncommon to see me dressed in all black, BUT as of the past year{ish} something else has creeped into my obsession pool, STRIPES. They are classic + come in many colors {including black}. Maybe stripes are the new black {even though they could never replace my love for black}. Here are my stripe favorites for this summer  St. James Meridien II Shirt // J.Crew Rash Guard Top // Zara Striped Trousers // Oscar de la Renta Strapless Stripe Ball Gown {splurge}. Happy Tuesday + 3 days till Jazz Fest!