So, I've decided to take a little break, regroup + revamp my focus. I definitely want to evolve + grow what Design Twig is all about. Spend more time on focusing on your favorites + my favorites {Art + Vintage}. I won't be gone long + when I'm back a reformation for the better will be in place {I'm very excited about it}! Thanks for all the comments + support {it all is encouraging + helps give me inspiration}. Ta Ta, have a wonderful end of your summer!

xx, DT

Can't leave without a little inspiration as of lately Emilio Nanni // Richard Serra // Satsuki Shibuya


It's Monday {I'm pretty sure we all feel like this}. Yay for Monday {but not really}.


It has been raining everyday this week. It's has been a typical New Orleans summer for  sure, BUT on the flip side yesterday walking around the quarter in a slight drizzle was calming + quite. The French Quarter will never stop inspiring me + making me stop + stare in awe. It's one of those mystical magical places that ceases to be stale in my eyes. Happy Friday {phew we made it}. Have a wonderful weekend!

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app. All work is Copyright ©2014 Logan Ledford.


I have not posted a sketch lately + thought today was a good day to do so. Lately, I've been eating a lot of pineapple, it is so dang good {+ good for you}. It's got a lot of cleansing + detox qualities about it + has the good natural sugar. It also is a symbol of the home + reminds me of a summer cocktail. Other foods that pair well with pineapple are ginger, cucumber, kale, coconut, mango + yogurt. Yay for pineapple {I also love how quirky it looks}. Happy Thursday, almost time for a drink!



I've been sewing a little bit lately {full story coming soon}. This is a vintage red linen, vintage italian suede + natural canvas. I love the simple but very texture filled combo. The linen + leather are recycled {or now they use the term upcycled materials}. Happy Tuesday!

Things that have inspired me lately Nautical Flags // School + Souvenir Pennants // Rope

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app. All work is Copyright ©2014 Logan Ledford.


Just love this city that I live in {can't get enough of it}. I'm so very thankful that new things intrigue me here everyday {definitely gives my attention span a run for it's money, I have a short one}. The Cathedral is always beautiful + inspiring. New Orleans, the never ending city. Happy Monday!

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app. All work is Copyright ©2014 Logan Ledford.


It's a green tea kind of day. Waiting for the bus, on a blue painted bench. This is the China Green Tips Tea {I love it} from Starbucks. Sometimes I switch over to green tea + take a breather from coffee {sorry coffee}. Happy Thursday!

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app. All work is Copyright ©2014 Logan Ledford.


One of my favorite things to do when I go home to Baton Rouge, is having garden dinner parties. My parents have always invited friends + family to our dinners on the weekends. If the weather is nice + not too hot we pull out the tables + table cloths, hang up some shade tarps with a few flags + have a nice long lazy dinner {full of the oddest conversation topics, but hey, those keep it interesting}. Having a good meal with friends + family + talking + laughing with some good food + drinks is top of my list every weekend. Whether I'm in New Orleans or Baton Rouge + whether it's with 2 friends or a group of 10 people, I love it + it will never get old. It is important + something that my soul needs, family/friends/time/food. What day is it.....Hump Day {half-way there people}!

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app. All work is Copyright ©2014 Logan Ledford.


It's summer {wait let me check, yep it's definitely summer} warm with pearls of sweat. There is nothing like a New Orleans summer {anything can happen + you go with it}. Music, late nights, slightly warm red wine, dancing, bike rides, afternoon rains, long days of sunlight {I very much enjoy it}. Cheers to Tuesday!

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app. All work is Copyright ©2014 Logan Ledford.


A little embellishment goes a long way. I can't help myself when it comes to sparkly/shiny/bling things {they are just so pretty}. I will always use it for something. This is a vintage silk skirt I found that I'm repurposing {I think the new word for it is upcycling} for a new + exciting project {that I hope to share soon}! Happy Monday.

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app. All work is Copyright ©2014 Logan Ledford.


I always love when we go to lunch here. It's a little dark, a little mod, + the perfect size. If you want a salad BINGO they have it + if you want an amazing burger with duck fat fries BINGO they got it. It's a small restaurant + bar located on Capdeville St. behind the court houses + it's called {yes, you guessed it} Capdeville. They describe themselves as "an American interpretation of a British social house" which I would have to agree. Anyway, great CBD lunch spot, everyone from my office enjoys it, so go check it out. Yay, it's Thursday + almost Friday {everybody say Yeaaaa}.

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app. All work is Copyright ©2014 Logan Ledford.


I've been painting with black ink on paper. This one is about 2' x 3' + is going up in my room {soon}. I like the inconsistency of the circles + drips, it creates a sense of wandering + intrigue. I will be posting some other ink paintings to my portfolio soon. Happy Tuesday!

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app. All work is Copyright ©2014 Logan Ledford.


The 4th of July celebration + weekend was great {lots of food + food}. I always love when grocery stores create flower bouquets that go with the holiday at hand. Rouses had some pretty red, white + blue bunches. So I grabbed them + made a little flower wreath for my hair to get into the holiday spirit. Very easy to make, takes about 15 mins. All you need is some wire + scissors {+ flowers of course}. Cut flowers with a 2-3 in stem piece, wire 2 flowers together, take two more + slide them further down on the stems from the first 2, then wire those together. Keep going + eventually you will create a long wired rope of flowers, attach the ends + voila a masterpiece of flowers to adorn your head. Happy Monday!

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app. All work is Copyright ©2014 Logan Ledford.


Enough said. Have a wonderful weekend + holiday! See you next week!


One of my favorite things about the summer are the plethora of local ripe berries. In my fridge right now I have Blackberries + Blueberries {yay}! I love love {love} berries. As a child blueberry picking was something we did every summer + I thoroughly enjoyed it {I probably ate them instead of filling my bucket}. These beautiful dark plump berries are from the Hollygrove Farmer's Market. They were included in the box of produce I bought for $25 along with  Red Potatoes, Basil, Lady Cream Peas, Sweet Banana Peppers, Heirloom Tomatoes, Creole Tomatoes, Golden Zucchini, Butternut Squash, + Cucumbers. I adore this farmer's market, the produce box every week + weekend consists of local seasonal produce. They always list the location + farm where the produce is from + have lots of other items such as coffee, cheese, tofu, + meat to name a few. BUT if you haven't been GO {it's wonderful}. They also are open till 7pm on weekdays {which is amazing since I work downtown till 5:30pm}. So if you haven't figured it out, I highly recommend it. Happy Hump Day! 

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app. All work is Copyright ©2014 Logan Ledford.


Wearing a little red, white + blue today for team USA {USA USA USA}! Say another Hail Mary  + send all your good juju + positive vibes towards our men's national soccer team today as they take on Belguim at 3pm.

White Jeans J. Crew // Oxford Shirt Urban Outfitters {similar}// Scarf Venice, Italy street market

Bon Mardi!

All photographs are taken with an iphone 5s + VSCOcam app. All work is Copyright ©2014 Logan Ledford.