Time to ship shape things up. This week for me is all about organizing {work, art, life,
EVERYTHING}. I've got some really exciting things coming down the pipeline + need to just get things all in order. It's hard sometimes to try + do everything you want to do. I'm def a
YES person, I say
YES to most everything {not because I can't say no, but because I literally want to do it all}. So then after agreeing to many things at once, I usually have a whoa moment + I just have to hunker down + organize my time. Make lists + do each one on it {but make a realistic list, don't put 50 things on it for the day, go day by day}. My calendar + notes app on my phone {with alarm reminders} save me everyday from going coo coo {+ forgetting things}. Also, I try to take a little time each day just for me, watch TV for 15 minutes , go run, sit outside, etc. This is relaxing + gives you time to breathe. So yay for organization, have a joyous Tuesday.